Older Adults

Older adult patient support.

Crisis Cafes

For 24/7 advice or support with mental health concerns, please contact the MIND and NHFT Mental Health Hub on 0800 4480828

Ran by a mental health professional and a MIND peer support worker, we provide support and safety to anyone in need by offering coping mechanisms…
Loneliness stories

Age UK Advice Line
0800 678 1602
Free to call 8am – 7pm 365 days a year

Hear older people talk about their experiences of loneliness and how Age UK’s befriending services have helped.
Broadband for older people

To order by phone call our experts free on

0800 840 5395

Choosing a broadband deal suited to an older person Choosing a broadband deal can seem intimidating for many, with so many choices available, but it…
Mental health services and support

Follow the link to access this service


​There are range of services and support available for those living in Northamptonshire. Please find more information below
Lifeline Alarm Service

0800 999 0400

Get peace of mind with our life-saving personal alarm service. 24/7 support for elderly, frail, and disabled people throughout the UK.
Northamptonshire Stop Smoking Service
STOP SMOKING – 12 weeks of specialist behavioural support to help you stop smoking. This includes bi-weekly appointments with a stop smoking advisor and free…
Working Progress

Hayley Shaw
[email protected]
0800 612 7479
[email protected]

We offer fully fund individual and small group sessions. Explore your options and potential with our job clubs and networking opportunities. We support C.V. writing,…
Money Helper

0800 138 7777

For clear money help that’s on your side and free to use, just search for :

MoneyHelper is here to make your money and pension choices clearer. Here to cut through the complexity, explain what you need to do and how…
Care Home choices for Self Funders

To be directed to the website please follows this link:


If you have capital (savings and assets) worth more than £23,250, or a weekly income high enough to pay for care home fees, you will…
Fall Prevention Support

West Northamptonshire Council:
To make a falls referral you can submit the form on our website at Preventing falls | West Northamptonshire Council (westnorthants.gov.uk).
Alternatively, you can process the referral by calling 0300 126 7000 option 1, 2, 1.
Any queries, please email WNC Falls [email protected]

North Northamptonshire Council:
To make a falls referral you can submit the form on our website at Preventing falls | North Northamptonshire Council (northnorthants.gov.uk).
Alternatively, you can process the referral by calling 0300 126 3000 option 1, 2, 1.
Any queries, please email NNC Falls [email protected]

Effective falls and fracture prevention will make a positive difference to the lives of people living in Northamptonshire. Each year about one-third of all people…