Chronic Pain

NHS Website – Walking For Health
The NHS Website has some great advice and resources about the benefits of walking on your health.
NHS Website – 10 Ways to Reduce Pain
The NHS website is a great website for ideas and resources around pain management.
Flippin’ Pain Website
Flippin’ Painâ„¢ is a public health campaign with a clear goal: To change the way we think about, talk about and treat persistent pain.They hope…
NHS Website – Back Pain
The NHS has a web page specifically for back pain. It includes information, research, treatment options and videos of exercises and stretches. You can access…
The Pain ToolKit Website
A persistent pain or long-term health condition can be difficult to understand and manage on an everyday basis. The Pail Toolkit is handy guide to…
Live Well With Pain Website
Live Well with Pain was created by a small group of health care professionals in England working in pain management, using a self management approach with their patients.…
NHS Resources on managing Chronic Pain
The NHS has a web page on ways to manage Chronic Pain, including research, support and tool kits. To access the website, please click HERE
Me and My Medicines
‘Me and My Medicines’ is a campaign led by patients and supported by clinical staff to help people raise any concerns and use their medicines…
Active 10 App
The Active 10 app anonymously records every minute of walking you do. Just pop your phone in your pocket and away you go! The app:…
Couch to 5K App
A free running programme for absolute beginners, Couch to 5K has helped millions of people like start running. The app: Couch to 5K can be…