Talk Out Loud
The Northamptonshire Talk out Loud Programme is an NHS and county council initiative that is driven by young people to:
Help spread the message that ‘mental health is everybody’s business.’
Increase awareness of mental health needs, draw attention to the stigma and discrimination experienced by young people
with mental health needs and challenge the negative perceptions of mental health needs
Raise awareness amongst young people about mental health issues, stigma and where they can access help and support
Encourage young people to take responsibility for tackling mental health stigma
Work with you people to develop services that are accessible and in settings that young people are comfortable in
Our participation group, consisting of over 30 young people from across Northamptonshire, is passionate about making sure that young people feel comfortable to TALK OUT LOUD about mental health and get the help and support that they need. If you need any information, training or support in delivering the programme in your school or would like to get involved please contact:
To access this group follow the link
E-mail: [email protected]