Espresso Yourself – Wellbeing cafes for young people
If you are struggling with your mental health or find yourself in a crisis then we are here to listen and support you.
Alongside our local partners (St Andrews Healthcare, Lowdown and YouthWorks), together we are offering weekly cafes for you to drop-in and talk to a mental health professional in a safe space. Our friendly staff will listen and help you by providing advice, support or signpost / refer you to the relevant team or organisation.
There is no need to call or book an appointment, please drop in to one of the locations and timings below:
Monday and Friday – 4pm to 8pm
The Lowdown
01604 634385
Tuesday – 4pm to 8pm
Youth Works at Corby Mind
01536 518339
Wednesday 4pm – 8pm
Chat, Souster Youth Building
01832 274422
Thursday – 4pm to 8pm
Youth Works, Keystone
01536 518339
Saturday 10am – 2pm
Service Six
01933 277520
Saturday 12pm – 4pm
Time 2 Talk
01327 706706